Introducing the ‘Sunrise Beauty Bliss’ at The Beauty Bed

February 28, 2024
POSTED IN salon News
The Beauty Bed Sunrise Beauty Bliss

At The Beauty Bed we understand life can be pretty hectic and amidst all the hustle and bustle, taking care of oneself becomes the least prioritised task. However, we are here for you with our latest offer : Sunrise Beauty Bliss - a time crafted beauty appointment especially for all you busy queens! 

Every Wednesday set your alarms early because we will be opening our salon’s doors at 7:00 am to start your day with a dose of sunshine and pampering! Yes, you read that right! Our beauticians Amy and Summar will be here at the crack of dawn to welcome you and cater to all your beauty needs! 

The Beauty Bed's Sunrise Beauty Bliss

With Amy's expertise as a highly experienced Beauty Therapist and Summar's exceptional passion built over her two and a half years with us, rest assured, you'll be in the best of hands.

Whether you’re after a quick touch - up before a busy day or craving a relaxing morning pamper session to set the tone for the fabulous day ahead - We’ve got you covered! Our services include rejuvenating facials, eyebrow shaping, relaxing massages, makeup application and many more. 

The Beauty Bed's Sunrise Beauty Bliss promo

We believe Sunrise Beauty Bliss is not just a mere beauty appointment, it's an act of self- love! It's a reminder to place yourself first amidst life's constant demands.Taking a quiet moment in the morning for yourself before the chaos ensues will not only make you stress- free but will also give you a confidence boost and happiness. 

Join us in embracing a new dawn of wellness and beauty. Our goal is simple, to provide the best beauty treatment and start your day beautifully. So, don’t wait, mark your calendars , set your alarms and show up for yourself! 

Book your appointment today and let our Beauticians make your mornings extra pleasant! 

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We keep ourselves available through phone or email so that we can accommodate all your enquiries. Let our friendly receptionist provide you the first great customer service we could give you.

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